EABHES Community grows bigger
EABHES Community grows bigger Supporting schools towards the european education area The European Union envisions a European Education Area (EEA) by 2025, where common values and identity play a fundamental role. EABHES Accreditation prepares schools to actively participate in the EEA by: Promoting student mobility among member schools for increased internationalisation. “Spending time abroad to […]
Design for the “New Normal” Learning and Work Environments
Design for the “New Normal” Learning and Work Environments In collaboration with the commercial strategic partners of Steelcase and AIA Life Designers, EABHES, together with EABHES Member Tiltan School of Design in Israel and three other universities in Mexico, India and Uganda, has initiated a pilot project for multi-national teams of students to collaborate in […]
Strengthening Higher Education in the Mediterranean Region
Strengthening Higher Education in the Mediterranean Region In the midst of an unprecedented global health emergency crisis, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) celebrates its 25th Anniversary and brings to the table key issues to further enhance cooperation and dialogue in the region through Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In line with the Bologna Process […]
New Times, Same Values
New Times, Same Values Now, more than ever, it’s fundamental to reinforce our values and let them guide us in the pursuit of our mission, an on-going strive for academic excellence, innovation and support of the international dialogue for quality higher education. EABHES adheres to and promotes EU values of Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, […]
Video meeting for EABHES members
Video meeting for EABHES members Ten schools from France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. have participated to a video meeting demonstrating online education solution. The demo was conducted by the President of Tiltan, an EABHES school in Israel, and his staff. He shared how an initiative in his school that started ten moths ago to introduce […]
COVID-19 INFO The coronavirus is having a significant impact on individuals, which is equally affecting the operations of business education and corporate institutions across our network. In this challenging time, our priority is to support EABHES members, facilitate the exchange of good practice and provide a safe environment for continuous development and growth. Specific informations […]
Tiltan College – Haifa
Tiltan College – Haifa Tiltan College hosted EABHES director as a member of the graduates final projects exhibition jury and an honor guest at the graduation ceremony. The jury attended the exhibition for 2 days and held a personal exchange with the graduates and the school’s faculty. During the ceremony, EABHES director emphasized the importance […]
Bologna Process – XX Anniversary
Bologna Process XX Anniversary In her editorial to the European Journal of HIgher Education, Manja Klemenčič, the Journal Editor presents a summary of Hannah Moscovitz’es and Hila Zahavi’s work about The Bologna Process “The Bologna Process as a foreign policy endeavour: motivations and reactions to the externalisation of European higher education” (Zahavi, H., and Y. […]
Design Stone – Exhibition- Rome
Design Stone Exhibition – Rome Accademia Italiana presents, Stone Design, La pietra che ispira, (the inspiring stone). Inauguration of an exhibition with the famous Italian art critic, Vittorio Sgarbi. Thursday, June 27th , 18:00 GMT+1 at the Rinascente, Via del Tritone, 61, Rome. (Exhibition Area, 1st floor).
EABHES in Tunis
EABHES in Tunis EABHES Director has completed a visit to the European University of Tunis during which the teams had discussed and reviewed new programmes, quality control, and future projects. The UET is the first Institute in Tunis to join the EABHES Community. It is composed of the Grandes écoles, Sciences Po Tunis: Institute of […]